Sunday, August 04, 2013

Old lamp, new trick.

I saw this on Ikea Hackers and have been wanting to try it for years.
Make sure you are using compact flourescent  or LED bulb. I used  a lamp we bought from IKEA about seven years ago. You can use any uplighted lamp you want just make sure you are using a cool temperature bulb in it..  Starting at the top place super sticky post it notes all around rim. Curl the notes downward slightly. Add a second layer slightly below and offset by half the width. Repeat until you reach the bottom of the shade. In my case I stuck one more layer around the base to further camouflage the light shining through. Pretty awesome for a $10.00 lamp and a $1.00 package of sticky notes. 

I think this would be pretty in light pink sticky notes cut into a rounded shape ate the top and the finished  with green notes to make it even more flowery. I may do that in Wub's room with the gooseneck lamp that came with this. Ooooooh!

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